Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm a happy Mamma! We are all going to Virginia.....Yipee! Just thought I'd also tell you KIT people that I'm making a visit to Chad's today.....a little worried but I have to break in some day. Wish me luck!

love you all

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day Fam!


Monday, March 1, 2010


Absolutely Unreal  Click this on the left to see the video.

Hey guys. Just wanted to say hey.

I just saw this on YouTube. It is the chain effect of the Earthquake in Chile. The video is from someone in Hawaii who filmed a Tsunami coming right at them caused by the earthquake. I've never seen anything like it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Don't gooooooooooooo Winkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy........just kidding. You will be black when you come back!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's time...

I'd like to give a big shout out to the UNIVERSE right now.

What up? And thank you!!

Made a game time decision last night and booked a flight to...


Yep, April 21 - May 2.

Anyone want to come?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Lis...i love 2010 too! So much to be thankful for already. We are going to have a new Kirby member soon...yipee!!!! How exciting is that? Dad and I are going full blown Wedding Worthy exercising. Don't kid yourself, as he would say. Here's to it, mean it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I HEART 2010!

Dear 2010,

You rock! You're so much better than 2009 and despite the economic downturn, 2009 rocked big time.
So you ask, what's so great about 2010 so far?
1) Scotty and Carrie are engaged!

2) Decorations at the DoJo are complete (thank you, Mom!) and I am in love with my place

3) Mom and Dad are no longer in a long distance relationship

4) My Equinox classes are keeping me consistently tight: Chisl'ed, Tabada & Spin

5) My long lost sister & friend for life, Krista, is my neighbor & I adore her & all of our adventures!
6) I learned how to ride the bus & skip the taxi's... keeping it fiscally tight

7) no cable or internet at home + no Tony (lymi!) = reading, writing, dancing, listening to new music, meditation, productivity, relaxation, awesome outfits planned the night before

8) and

9) I have a keyboard and am not afraid to use it

10) Trips planned so far: Vegas, Virginia, Scottsdale, San Diego, Chicago, maybe Coachella & Stagecoach, Reggae Rising in Humboldt, and maybe South America (TBD)

Obviously I'm leaving out a few big ones but this blog is public : ) Overall, I'm thrilled for this year and feel incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful, inspiring, HAPPY people. And of course, as always, I am beyond appreciative of you all... my amazing family. We rock, and we know it!

Much Love, Lisa